(123) 456-7890 info@fedest.ee
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We design today the SMART services of tomorrow.


 IoT,  and Machine Learning based solutions and projects focusing primarily on Smart Mobility and Intelligent Transportation System.

Custom Development

We provide managed services and support for legacy applications. We successfully support customer’s on-premise Microsoft based legacy systems or we can migrate your legacy system to Microsoft Azure and provide a full managed service support contract.


Save Precious Time

We redefine IT-solutions through our innovative approach in:

  • Data Science
  • Big & Fast Data Processing
  • Application Development
  • Embedded Systems
  • Machine Learning
  • Developer to Operations
  • Cloud Computing

Data Collection
and Analytics in Railways

We provide a rail asset machine learning and data analytics platform that combines the functionalities of data integration, analytics and decision management into one framework.

+ Trains per day

+ Train Data in Gb per day

Allarms per day

IoT Rail .BOX

Connect all assets and components with .BOX and  collect data from your rolling stock automatically and continuously

Remotely access rolling stock data with .BOX

Compute your own rules, receive fault codes and alerts even in real-time and give your teams the information they need to monitor driving behaviors, collect alarm events, prevent certain failures from happening, and to react faster to others. To ensure maximum fleet availability the .BOX is easy to install and upgradable over the air.


RAIL Safety Management System

RSMS is a software platform for RAIL Operators that gives complete supervision, visibility, and real-time reporting of every detail and aspect of safety and risk in the organization.

RSMS delivers powerful and integrated functionality to give management full control of operational risks.

RSMS builds upon ERA (European Union Agency for Railway) SMS